MEDITATION and quiet places....
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this page is dedicated to quieting the mind,
relieving stress, and finding peace within

Chakra meditation
*Used to bring chakras back into balance*
ROOT (base of spine)=RED
SEXUAL (low belly)=ORANGE
SOLAR PLEXUS (above belly button)=YELLOW
THIRD EYE (mid forehead)=PURPLE
CROWN (top of head)= WHITE
~visualize each chakra as a swirling funnel of color
~focus and feed with the mind
~begin with root and move up...feel warmth and energy.
~close chakras when done.
stones for meditation

*AMETHYST: is a great spiritual uplifter and helps develop psychic ability.
place the stone on your forehead to open the 3d eye.
CRYSTAL QUARTZ: is one of the most commonly used stones for meditation.
use it like amethyst, and place it on your forehead or ABOVE your head
(your crown chakra) for grounding and to open the 3d eye.
SUNSTONE: placed on the root chakra while meditating helps open up that chakra.
TIGERS EYE: on the belly chakra will help tune you into your creative side.
CITRINE:placed on the solar plexus will help balance your soloar plexus chakra
placed on your heart chakra
will help open up your heart to giving and receiving love from the universe.
LAPIS placed on your throat chakra will help with communication problems